Our Books


Our booklets – Bulk licensing available


10 Hard To Learn tips for Becoming a Better Report Studio Developer
This booklet is intended for beginning through intermediate report developers. If you are looking for instruction on how to work the software then this book is not for you. Instead, this book covers some of the underlying, hard to learn things so essential to really understanding what you are doing WITH the software. It’s $4.99 at Amazon and will significantly speed your personal development into becoming an advanced Report Studio Developer.
10 Core Principles of Report Studio Development
This booklet is intended for beginning through intermediate report developers and covers some of the key background understandings you need in order to become an advanced developer. Principles are the long-lasting details that orient you to the proper approach to using the software. Covered in this concise booklet are 10 universal principles you need to know and know deeply in order to become an advanced developer. They will color every report you develop and advance your development skills months. It’s $4.99 at Amazon .


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